Komar photomurals - Wallpapering instructions for paper wall murals
This tutorial shows you step-by-step just how easy it is to apply photomurals to walls
Matching panels may become the hardest part of installation. To make sure that all panels will match once installed please make sure that you follow instruction and stick to these rules:
1) OVERLAP all panels as per instruction.
2) Spread the glue in such a way so as to prevent wallpaper from soaking for too long. Keep EQUAL SOAKING TIME of each strip – 3 MIN. after applying wallpaper adhesive.
3) Apply an EVEN, THIN COAT of adhesive to the back of the wallcovering, make sure that all areas are covered with paste with no un-pasted spots.
4) This is paper wallpaper so when you apply wallpaper adhesive to your mural IT WILL EXPAND (grow) slightly. Do not try to match dry (not soaked) part of wallpaper with soaked one as these will not match.
5) DRYING: The drying period must be quite long (about 24 hours), as drying too quickly will cause separation of the edges and cracking of the image wallpaper could occur. The work should therefore be done at a room temperature of approximately 20ºc. In the winter the room must be moderately heated. Keep the WINDOWS CLOSED to AVOID ANY DRAFT.
6) Make sure that your first panel is to A PLUMB LINE. If the first panel is at an angle, the mural will only worsen as you continue to hang each panel. If panels will be installed at different angles then pattern will not match!
7) It’s a paper wallpaper – so, handle a soaked strip with care (DO NOT STRETCH), as pattern will not match!. Don't be in a hurry. Work slowly to avoid making mistakes.
Unequal sizes of strips – failure to maintain equal time of wallpaper soaking.
Loose photo wallpaper – soaking wallpaper for too long or using an improper glue.
Bubbles underneath the paper – too short soaking time (the paper expands on the wall instead of on the floor) – some bubbles will vanish when the paper dries up, however bigger bubbles may stay.
Not matching panels – it may be caused by many different factors – please refer to above information.
Installation - inspect the panels!!!
Layout your mural to ensure that all panels are the same size, colour, that they match together perfectly and they are in good condition. Unfortunately refunds or exchanges cannot be made once you have hung any part of your mural. Read this instruction and follow it during installation. If someone is doing job for you please make sure that he reads this as well.
Materials needed:
1. Step, stool, or ladder
2. Level
3. Sponge
4. Pencil
5. Tape measure
6. Sharp utility knife
7. Paint brush
8. Smoothing brush/roller
9. Bucket or container
1. Preparing the wall surface
Wall or door has to be prepared as for conventional wallpaper. The surface must be clean, smooth and free of grease. Sand off oil-based paint, remove wallpaper residue and rough surfaces, and fill holes and cracks with special patching plaster. The surface must be absorbent to ensure that the photomural dries thoroughly. Wipe and wash all walls to remove dirt and grease and allow to dry thoroughly.
2. Mix paste
Use the enclosed wallpaper paste (40 grams to 1 litre of water or 60 grams in1.5 litres of water). Add paste slowly while stirring for 30 seconds. Stir until required texture is achieved (not too sloppy) and use after waiting for 10 minutes. (If wallpaper paste is not included with your product you can use any All-purpose wallpaper adhesive or standard adhesive for paper wallpapers).
4. Mark wall with vertical and horizontal lines
Decide how you want to centre your image wallpaper on the wall. We suggest starting with panel 4 (bottom middle panel) to ensure your mural is well centred on your wall. After selecting your starting panel, use the level and yardstick to draw a vertical line on the wall where you intend to position the edge of the starting panel. The level will assist you in maintaining straight lines.
5. Recommended order of hanging panels
All panels may be not numbered. We recommend you start with panel 4 - 3 – 2 -1 - 6 - 5 - 8 - 7 for an 8-part wallpaper and 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 for a 4-part wallpaper.
1 | 3 | 5 | 7 |
2 | 4 | 6 | 8 |
6. Apply paste
Using the paintbrush, paste the backside of the panel carefully spreading the paste uniformly and ensuring the edges are also covered. Please do not fold the pasted panels. Avoid letting the paste swell too long on the panel. Keep equal soaking time of each strip - 3 min after applying the paste.
7. Application and smoothing panels
Place the lower part of the panel according to the lines drawn. Remove air bubbles by stroking them from the centre outwards using a thoroughly rinsed smoothing brush. You do not have to smooth out all the small bubbles. Most bubbles and wrinkles will disappear when the panels are dry. Remember about overlapping the panels by approximately 0.2 inches (4mm), as the panels may shrink during the drying period. Should the pasted panel be wrongly positioned, it has to be taken off very carefully and reaffixed quickly. Immediately wipe off any excess paste on the design with a clean damp sponge.
8. Final trimming
Trimming of the exterior edges should take place after all the panels have been installed, but before the panels are completely dry. Use a utility knife with a sharp blade or a single-edge razor blade and thin ruler to straight the edges for the final trim. Re-paste any loose edges with the paste or any similar paste.
9. Cleaning up
Wipe panels lightly with a clean, damp sponge to remove any excess paste. Do not scrub panels or use cleaning solvents. This is because the panels have a varnish. Wash any paste residue from the wall with water. All material may be cleaned with water. Dilute the small amount of leftover paste with water and flush down the toilet.
Komar photomurals on non-woven - wallpapering instructions
This tutorial shows you step-by-step just how easy it is to apply photomurals to walls.
Nice wall photomurals - Wallpapering instructions
This instruction tells you step-by-step just how easy it is to apply photomurals to walls
Layout your mural to ensure that all panels are the same size, color, that they match together perfectly and they are in good condition. Refunds or exchanges will not be made once you have hung any part of your mural. Each mural comes with its own manufacturer’s instructions the following will help. Read through these instructions before starting.
Note: if you are unsure about how to install your mural, we recommend you use a professional decorator. We cannot replace your mural for free if you damage it while installing it.
Prepare all What You'll Need to Hang Wallpaper
- large Flat and clean Work Surface,
- Wallpaper and Paste (for paper wallpapers) recommended Pronicel W,
- Tape Measure and Level,
- Ladder (if requaired),
- Sandpaper, Spackle (for wall preparation if required)
- Bucket, Sponges, Rags, drop cloth,
- Utility Knife or Straight Edge Razor,
- Smoothing Brush, Seam Roller,
Before You Hang Wallpaper (Prepare your wall)
The first thing you'll need to do is prepared the walls that you plan to cover with wallpaper. Begin by turning off the power to any outlets or switches where you'll be working, but leave outlet covers on until after you've washed the walls, if necessary. The next step will vary, depending on the kind of wall you're covering.
- If you plan to cover unpainted drywall: Apply a good primer/sealer and allow it to dry.
- If you plan to cover painted drywall: Spackle any cracks and holes, let dry and sand smooth. Flat or satin painted walls need only be cleaned with trisodium phosphate (TSP), which is available at many hardware stores. Glossy walls must be lightly sanded first, then cleaned.
- If you plan to cover existing wallpaper: If the walls are in good condition, just clean them with TSP, let dry and cover with new wallpaper. Removing the old wallpaper is a better option if the paper is torn or greasy.
How to Hang Wallpaper
- Prepare paste following it’s manufacturer instruction (You can use any all purpose wallpaper adhesive or standard wallpaper paste for normal paper wallpapers).
- Once you’ve decided where to position your mural mark your wall. Because all the wallpaper you're hanging is lined up with the very first panel, it's essential that the first one be absolutely plumb, or vertically straight.
First panel hanging
- apply pre-mixed paste using a large pasting brush or paint roller, working from the middle to the ends. Be sure that all areas are covered with paste with no un-pasted spots, and try to keep it off photo side. Do not soak or fold panels,
- Spread the glue in such a way so as to prevent wallpaper from soaking for too long. Keep equal soaking time of each strip – 2 min after applying the paste,
- Now apply panel to wall. Gently place the side edge of the strip along the measured line. When the strip is in the right position, drop down the bottom half and gently smooth the paper against the wall with your hands, beginning at one edge and working your way across. Press the wallpaper with a roller. Do not use any cloth or other rough material. Eliminate the air bubbles moving the roller downward from the top and sideward from the centre. Smaller bubbles shall vanish when the paste dries up. Use a wallpaper roller to press the joints, too. Edges of particular strips shall not overlap at the joints.
- Paper Stretch – the murals are printed on wet strength paper and can stretch by up to 15mm when wet and applied to wall. Please ensure that you apply all panels with the same manner to ensure perfect match.
Next Panel (if there is any – depending on mural size)
- offer up the next panel dry so you’re confident with its place and fit. Apply paste and hang into place. Brush flat. If you tear a panel it really doesn’t matter just slide the edges together and once dry you won’t see it.
Fully fitted
- when all the panels are up re-paste any loose edges. Now you can Clean Up - Gently wipe panels with a damp sponge or clothes to clean excess paste. Don’t scrub.
- It’s a paper wallpaper – so, handle a soaked strip with care (do not stretch), while covering, for example concave corners, do not press with fingers because you can make a hole.
- Don't be in a hurry. Work slowly to avoid making mistakes.
- Have a large area to work in and don't crowd yourself.
- Cover every area of the back of the wallpaper with paste. Any area left dry, even a small space, will bubble and not adhere to the wall.
- Smooth paper surfaces gently. Don't put any pressure on the face of the wallpaper.
- Carefully clean off the surface of the wallpaper before the paste dries.
- To paper over electrical outlets, cut an X with the utility knife over the outlet and trim out the waste, being careful to stay within the area the switch plate will cover.
The most common mistakes
- Unequal sizes of strips – failure to maintain equal time of wallpaper soaking.
- Loose photo wallpaper – soaking wallpaper for too long or using an improper glue.
- Bubbles underneath the paper – too short soaking time (the paper expands on the wall instead of on the floor). Some bubbles will vanish when the paper dries up, however bigger bubbles may stay.
The drying period must be quite long, as drying too quickly will cause separation of the edges and cracking of the image wallpaper could occur. The work should therefore be done at a room temperature of approximately 20ºc. In the winter the room must be moderately heated. Keep the windows closed to avoid any draft.
Wizard Genius photomurals - Wallpapering instructions
Step-by-step just how easy it is to apply photomurals to walls
Layout your mural to ensure that all panels are the same size, colour, that they match together perfectly and they are in good condition. Refunds or exchanges will not be made once you have hung any part of your mural. Each mural comes with its own manufacturer’s instructions the following will help. Read through these instructions and the manufacturer’s guidelines before starting.
Note: if you are unsure about how to install your mural, we recommend you use a professional decorator. We cannot replace your mural for free if you damage it while installing it.
Panels numeration:
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Prepare all What You'll Need to Hang Wallpaper
- Large Flat and clean Work Surface
- Long ruler
- Wallpaper and Paste
- Tape Measure and Level
- Ladder (if requaired)
- Sandpaper, Spackle
- Bucket, Sponges, Rags, drop cloth
- Utility Knife or Straight Edge Razor
- Smoothing Brush, Seam Roller
Before You Hang Wallpaper (Prepare your wall)
The first thing you'll need to do is prepared the walls that you plan to cover with wallpaper. Begin by turning off the power to any outlets or switches where you'll be working, but leave outlet covers on until after you've washed the walls, if necessary. The next step will vary, depending on the kind of wall you're covering. If you plan to cover unpainted drywall: Apply a good primer/sealer and allow it to dry. If you plan to cover painted drywall: Spackle any cracks and holes, let dry and sand smooth. Flat or satin painted walls need only be cleaned with trisodium phosphate (TSP), which is available at many hardware stores. Glossy walls must be lightly sanded first, then cleaned. If you plan to cover existing wallpaper: If the walls are in good condition, just clean them with TSP, let dry and cover with new wallpaper. Removing the old wallpaper is a better option if the paper is torn or greasy.
How to Hang Wallpaper
Layout your mural to ensure that all panels are the same size and that they match together perfectly. Refunds or exchanges will not be made once you have hung any part of your mural. Once you’ve decided where to position your mural mark your wall. Because all the wallpaper you're hang is lined up with the very first panel, it's essential that the first one be absolutely plumb, or vertically straight.
First panel hanging
– always starts from panel numbered as 1 and as last one apply panel number 8 apply pre-mixed paste (Make sure you have the right paste for the job by reading the label) using a large pasting brush or paint roller, working from the middle to the ends. Be sure that all areas are covered with paste with no un-pasted spots, and try to keep it off photo side. Do not soak or fold panels. Spread the glue in such a way so as to prevent wallpaper from soaking for too long.
Keep equal time of soaking each strip - 2 min after application.
Now apply panel to wall. Gently place the side edge of the strip along the measured line. When the strip is in the right position, drop down the bottom half and gently smooth the paper against the wall with your hands, beginning at one edge and working your way across. Use a smoothing brush to smooth out any air bubbles. Use a steam roller to gently smooth down the edges of the wallpaper.
Please ensure that you apply all panels with the same manner to ensure perfect match. This is paper wallpaper and it can’t be stretch at any point.
Next Panel (2 – 4)
- offer up the next panel dry so you’re confident with its place and fit. Apply paste and hang into place. Brush flat. If you tear a panel it really doesn’t matter just slide the edges together and once dry you won’t see it.
Panels Number (5 – 8)
– panels (5 -8) of your mural has been specially designed to install with 1/4" overlap. Align panel number 5 approximately 1/4" over the first panel and gently slide the panel into place by aligning the print. This visual check avoids the need to use measuring tools. Clean excess paste. Repeat this procedure for remaining panels.
Fully fitted
- when all the panels are up re-paste any loose edges. Now you can Clean Up - Gently wipe panels with a damp sponge or clothes to clean excess paste. Don’t scrub.
It’s a paper wallpaper – so, handle a soaked strip with care (do not stretch), while covering, for example concave corners, do not press with fingers because you can make a hole.
Do not soak panels for longer than 2 minutes. Do the same for all the rest panels. Don't be in a hurry. Work slowly to avoid making mistakes.
Have a large area to work in and don't crowd yourself. Cover every area of the back of the wallpaper with paste. Any area left dry, even a small space, will bubble and not adhere to the wall.
Smooth paper surfaces gently. Don't put any pressure on the face of the wallpaper. Carefully clean off the surface of the wallpaper before the paste dries.
To paper over electrical outlets, cut an X with the utility knife over the outlet and trim out the waste, being careful to stay within the area the switch plate will cover.
Unequal sizes of strips – failure to maintain equal time of wallpaper soaking.
Loose photo wallpaper – soaking wallpaper for too long or using an improper glue.
The drying period must be quite long, as drying too quickly will cause separation of the edges and cracking of the image wallpaper could occur. The work should therefore be done at a room temperature of approximately 20ºc. In the winter the room must be moderately heated. Keep the windows closed to avoid any draft.
Use the wallpaper paste supplied. Mix the paste as follows: 60g to 2l water. Sprinkle the paste into cold water and stir briskly for 30 seconds. Wait for 3 minutes, and stir again thoroughly. Leave the paste for 15-20 minutes, and stir it thoroughly once more before use.
1Wall photomurals - Wallpapering instructions for paper wall murals
1. The Backdrop:
Preparing the wall is essential stage. Nearly half of all failed installations are due to poor preparation of the backdrop. The base must be therefore: clean, dry, hard, smooth and reasonably porous.
2. Preparation and alignment: Our products are 2.32 meters high and 3.15 meters wide. Using the spirit level, the ruler and the pencil, mark out the place for the picture on the wall and in particular, the centre of the picture. Place the sheets on the floor to see the order in which they must be applied. Warning: each sheet overlaps the previous one! Follow the instruction on the plan for the direction in which paste must be applied.
3. Preparing the paste and sticking the sheets: Mix wallpaper paste in following proportions: 60grams of powder to 1.9litres of water. For a better consistency, slowly pour the paste across the rim of the bucket, rather than pouring directly into the water while stirring. Let the mixture to settle for 20 minutes and then mix thoroughly. Apply the paste to the back of the sheets using the brush. Fold the two edges of the pasted sheet towards the centre. Let it settle for 2 minutes (exactly 2 minutes) for the paste to soak thorough.
4. Hanging: Hang the sheets starting with sheet A (bottom left, next install bottom right panel). Apply using a damp sponge, starting from the centre of the paper and moving out to the edges, from the top to the bottom. Using the wallpaper paste brush, press out air bubbles from top to bottom and from centre towards the outside. Smaller air bubbles will disappear automatically as the paste dries. Use the same technique for all sheets. Be sure to take overlapping of the sheets into account.
Matching panels may become the hardest part of installation. To make sure that all panels will match once installed please make sure that you follow instruction and stick to these rules:
1) OVERLAP all panels as per instruction.
2) Spread the glue in such a way so as to prevent wallpaper from soaking for too long. Keep EQUAL SOAKING TIME of each strip – 2 MIN. after applying wallpaper adhesive.
3) Apply an EVEN, THIN COAT of adhesive to the back of the wallcovering, make sure that all areas are covered with paste with no un-pasted spots.
4) This is paper wallpaper so when you apply wallpaper adhesive to your mural IT WILL EXPAND (grow) slightly. Do not try to match dry (not soaked) part of wallpaper with soaked one as these will not match.
5) DRYING: The drying period must be quite long (about 24 hours), as drying too quickly will cause separation of the edges and cracking of the image wallpaper could occur. The work should therefore be done at a room temperature of approximately 20ºc. In the winter the room must be moderately heated. Keep the WINDOWS CLOSED to AVOID ANY DRAFT.
6) Make sure that your first panel is to A PLUMB LINE. If the first panel is at an angle, the mural will only worsen as you continue to hang each panel. If panels will be installed at different angles then pattern will not match!
7) It’s a paper wallpaper – so, handle a soaked strip with care (DO NOT STRETCH), as pattern will not match!. Don't be in a hurry. Work slowly to avoid making mistakes.
Unequal sizes of strips – failure to maintain equal time of wallpaper soaking. Loose photo wallpaper – soaking wallpaper for too long or using an improper glue. Bubbles underneath the paper – too short soaking time (the paper expands on the wall instead of on the floor) – some bubbles will vanish when the paper dries up, however bigger bubbles may stay. Not matching panels – it may be caused by many different factors – please refer to above information.
This tutorial shows you step-by-step just how easy it is to apply paper photomurals to walls.
1Wall photomurals - Wallpapering instructions for non-woven paste the wall series.
This tutorial shows you step-by-step just how easy it is to apply photomurals to walls.